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These Solution samples illustrate how to perform application development tasks using data.

In This Section

Create a Cursor from an XML DataSet Sample

Demonstrates how to create a cursor from an XML DataSet using the CursorAdapter and XMLAdapter classes and how to bind the data to controls on a form.
Load and Generate XML Using the XMLAdapter Class Sample

Demonstrates some of the many uses for the XMLAdapter class, such as select an XML file to create cursors or generate XML from multiple tables.
Manage Data Access Using CursorAdapters Sample

Demonstrates how CursorAdapter objects retrieve data from three different data source types.

Related Sections

Solution Samples

Contains samples that demonstrate particular features of Visual FoxPro and can be run independently.
Sample Class Libraries

Contains sample class libraries that provide encapsulated functionality you can add to your applications.
Foundation Class Samples

Contains samples that illustrate use of the Visual FoxPro Foundation classes.

Contains step-by-step instructions for common scenarios.

JavaScript Editor js editor     Web development 