Specifies the colors of a color scheme or copies one color scheme to another color scheme.
SET COLOR OF SCHEME nScheme1 TO [SCHEME nScheme2 | ColorPairList] |
- nScheme1
Specifies the number of the color scheme you want to change. This can be a value from 1 through 24.
Note: In Visual FoxPro, color schemes 13 through 15 are reserved for internal use. Do not use these color schemes.
- TO [SCHEME nScheme2]
- Specifies the number of a color scheme to which color scheme nScheme1 is changed.
- TO [ ColorPairList]
Specifies up to 10 color pairs you would like to change in your color scheme. You can selectively change colors in a color scheme by including a comma for each color pair that you don't want to change. For example, to change the third color pair in color scheme 1 to bright white and blue and leave the rest of the color settings unchanged, use this command:
A color pair can also be specified with a set of six RGB (red, green, and blue) color values separated by commas. To change the third color pair in color scheme 1 to bright white and blue and leave the rest of the color settings unchanged, you can use this command:
В Copy Code SET COLOR OF SCHEME 1 TO , , W+/B*
В Copy Code SET COLOR OF SCHEME 1 TO , , RGB(255,255,255,0,0,255)
Not all interface elements can be controlled by color schemes — system windows, such as the View and Command windows, the system menu bar, and so on are always controlled by the Control Panel color settings. Issuing SET COLOR OF SCHEME nScheme1 TO without including an optional clause restores the colors from the current color scheme.