Specifies print options for reports and labels.
This dialog box appears when clicking Options in the Print Options dialog box. For more information, see Print Options Dialog Box.
- Scope
Specifies the range of records to print. When selecting Next or Record in the Scope list, type or select a number in the spin box to specify the next number of records or a record number.
The settings available for the Scope setting are the following:
AllВ В В Print every record from the source file.
NextВ В В Print a range of records starting with 1.
RecordВ В В Print a specific record number.
RestВ В В Print the current record and all of those after it until the end of the file.
AllВ В В Print every record from the source file.
- For
Specifies a logical expression that must be true for records to include for printing. To build an expression, click the ellipsis (…) button to open the Expression Builder dialog box.
Tip: Do not include the FOR command in the expression. For example, you can specify country = "Canada"
to see only Canadian data.
- While
Specifies a logical expression that must be true to continue printing records. To build an expression, click the ellipsis (…) button to open the Expression Builder dialog box.
Tip: Do not include the WHILE command in the expression. For example, you can specify sales > 1000
to see only sales greater than one-thousand dollars.