This container class creates graphs at the record level, unlike the AutoGraph class, which creates graphs from an entire Visual FoxPro cursor. The class also includes a set of buttons to navigate between records and dynamically refresh the chart.
Category | Automation |
Default Catalog |
VisualВ FoxProВ Catalog\FoundationВ Classes\Automation |
Class |
_graphbyrec |
Base Class |
Container |
Class Library |
_utility.vcx |
Parent Class |
_container |
Sample |
...\Samples\Solution\Ffc\automate.scx |
To use, drop the class on a project or form, or from the Component Gallery Item shortcut menu, select Add to Project or Add to Form. When you add the class to a form in a data environment, Visual FoxPro opens a builder so you can specify the nChartType and cLblField values for the graph data points and axis labels. When you drop the class on a project, you can choose between adding the class or creating a subclass.
Properties, Events, Methods | Description |
cLblField property |
Specifies the caption for the record label. Default: "" |
nChartType property |
Specifies the chart type. The valid values are: Default: 4 |
lSeriesByRow property |
Specifies whether to plot a series by row. Default: .T. |
aDataFields[1] property |
Specifies the array of data fields to graph. Default: .F. |
SetupGraph method |
Initializes graph controls.
Return: none Arguments: none |
RefreshGraph method |
Refreshes the graph when the record pointer is moved.
Return: none Arguments: none |