This custom class uses the Mail Merge Wizard engine to generate a Microsoft Word Mail Merge document.
Category | Automation |
Default Catalog |
VisualВ FoxProВ Catalog\FoundationВ Classes\Automation |
Class |
mailmerge |
Base Class |
Custom |
Class Library |
mailmrge.vcx |
Parent Class |
automation |
Sample |
...\Samples\Solution\Ffc\Automate.scx |
To use, drop the class on a project or form or, from the Component Gallery Item shortcut menu, select Add to Project or Add to Form. When you add the class to a form, specify the FROM table (cDataPath), the location and version of Word (cExe and cWordVersion), and other appropriate properties values. When you drop the class on a project, you can choose between adding the class or creating a subclass.
Properties, Events, Methods | Description |
aWPMrg[2,0] property |
An array of procedures for handling various merge styles. Default: .F. |
cDataFile property |
A FoxPro 2.6 copy of a Visual FoxPro 3.0 or later table. Default: "" |
cDataPath property |
Specifies the path to the FROM table. Default: "" |
cDataSrc property |
Specifies the data source for the ODBC connection. Default: "" |
cDocName property |
Specifies the name of the existing .doc file. Default: "" |
cExe property |
Specifies the full path to the Microsoft Word application. Default: "" |
cODBCSource property |
Specifies the ODBC connection string. Default: "" |
cSaveFile property |
Specifies the file for holding merged data. Default: "" |
CSQLstmt property |
A SQL statement for extracting data. Default: "" |
CSQLstmt2 property |
Specifies an additional SQL statement, if cSQLStmt is greater than 255 characters (for Microsoft Word). Default: "" |
cWordVersion property |
Specifies the version of Microsoft Word that is installed (for example, '8'). Default: "" |
lAlerted property |
Specifies whether a failure alert was issued. Default: .F. |
lEnglish property |
Verifies whether Microsoft Word recognizes English Word Basic commands. Default: .F. |
lHasVerWord property |
Verifies the presence of Microsoft Word. Default: .F. |
nNewDoc property |
Indicates whether a new document will be used (see Mailmrge.h). Default: 1 |
nTemplate property |
Specifies the main document type. Applies to Microfot Word only. See Mailmrge.h. Default: 1 |
nWordProc property |
Specifies the selected word processor. See Mailmrge.h. Default: 1 |
SysCh property |
Specifies a DDE channel. Default:В -1 |
CheckVer method |
Verifies the version of Microsoft Word being used. Internal to the class.
Return: none Arguments: none |
GetMSW method |
Retrieves the Microsoft Word command line from the registry.
Return: the full path to Microsoft Word Arguments: m.cversion specifies the version of Microsoft Word being used. |
MrgCommaDel method |
Generates a comma-delimited text file from data.
Return: a comma-delimited file Arguments: none |
MrgWord method |
Determines the versions of Microsoft Word to be used in the merge.
Return: none Arguments: none |
MSWerr method |
The error handler for use while AppleScript is being run.
Return: none Arguments: none |
GetSQLst method |
Retrieves the SQL statement for extracting data. Internal to the class.
Return: none Arguments: none |
PrepData method |
Determines the kind of data source that is being used for the mail merge and normalizes the data for processing, Internal to the class.
Return: none Arguments: none |
SaveSQL method |
Generates a table of SQL results. Internal to the class.
Return: none Arguments: none |
WzMMData method |
Copies data to a text file. Internal to the class.
Return: none Arguments: none |
MakeFieldListВ В В |
Internal to the class. |
MailMergeWord8 |
Internal to the class. |
MailMergeWord6 |
Internal to the class. |
MSWmldlg |
Internal to the class. |
Startword |
Internal to the class. |
MailMergeMacWord6 |
Internal to the class. |
MMCleanup method |
Closes files - Internal to the class. |