Determines whether pressing the ESC key interrupts program and command execution.
- ON
(Default) Allows command and program execution to be interrupted when the user presses ESC.
If the user presses ESC during the execution of a command or program while the insertion point is in the Command window, the following message appears:
If the user presses ESC during command or program execution, processing completes at the current program line, and an alert appears with the following three options:
В Copy Code *** INTERRUPTED ***
(Default) Choose Cancel to immediately stop program execution and return to the Command window.
Choose Suspend to pause program execution and return to the Command window. This option is useful for debugging a program. Choosing Resume from the Program menu or issuing RESUME in the Command window restarts the program at the line at which it was paused.
Choose Ignore to continue program execution at the line at which it was paused.
(Default) Choose Cancel to immediately stop program execution and return to the Command window.
- Prevents command and program execution from being interrupted when the user presses ESC.