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These Solution samples illustrate how you can perform automation with files from other applications.

In This Section

Automate a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Sample

Describes how to call an Excel worksheet through automation.
Automate a Microsoft Word Document in a Form Sample

Describes how to automate an embedded Word object on a form, insert rich text, and format the text.
Automate Microsoft Word and Excel Sample

Describes how to use Visual FoxPro as an automation controller to select data from a data from a Visual FoxPro database, insert the data in an Excel worksheet, graph the data, and display the data in Word.
Manipulate Display Characteristics of a Graph Sample

Describes how to incorporate MS Graph 5.0, which is an Automation server, into your applications.
Refresh a Graph in a Form Sample

Describes how select data from a Visual FoxPro table and passing the data to MS Graph to refresh values in a chart.


Sample Class Libraries

Contains sample class libraries that provide encapsulated functionality you can add to your applications.
Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes A-Z

Describes Visual FoxPro Foundation classes you can use for rapid application development.
Reference (Visual FoxPro)

Includes Visual FoxPro general, programming language, user interface, and error message reference topics.

Related Sections

Solution Samples

Contains samples that demonstrate particular features of Visual FoxPro and can be run independently.
Foundation Class Samples

Contains samples that illustrate use of the Visual FoxPro Foundation classes.
Server Samples (Visual FoxPro)

Contains samples that illustrate Automation Servers.

Contains step-by-step instructions for common scenarios.

JavaScript Editor js editor     Web development