Enables or disables dynamic data exchange (DDE) processing or returns the status of DDE processing.
DDEEnabled([lExpression1 | nChannelNumber [, lExpression2]]) |
- lExpression1
- Specify true (.T.) or false (.F.) to globally enable or disable DDE processing. DDEEnabled(В ) returns true (.T.) if DDE processing is successfully enabled or disabled; otherwise false (.F.) is returned.
- nChannelNumber
- Specifies the channel number for the channel whose DDE processing status DDEEnabled(В ) returns. DDEEnabled(В ) returns true (.T.) if DDE processing is enabled for the specified channel and returns false (.F.) if DDE processing is disabled.
- lExpression2
- To enable DDE processing for a specific channel, include the channel number (nChannelNumber) and specify true (.T.) for lExpression2. To disable DDE processing for a specific channel, include the channel number (nChannelNumber) and specify false (.F.) for lExpression2.
Return Value
Using DDEEnabled(В ), you can globally enable or disable processing. You can also enable or disable DDE processing for specific channels.
DDEEnabled(В ) can be used to protect critical code or disable links for short periods. When DDE processing is disabled, client requests are queued until DDE processing is enabled.
If DDEEnabled(В ) is issued without any of its optional arguments, the global DDE processing status is returned. DDEEnabled(В ) returns true (.T.) if DDE processing has been globally enabled and false (.F.) if DDE processing has been globally disabled.