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The following categories contain Visual FoxPro language for programming tasks.

In This Section

Array Manipulation

Lists the commands and functions that make it possible for you to work with arrays of variables.
Debugging and Error-Handling Language

Lists Visual FoxPro language that you can use to perform debugging and error-handling operations in Visual FoxPro programs.
Event Handlers

Lists the commands and functions that make it possible for you to specify the action a program takes when a given event occurs.
Low-Level File Functions

Lists the functions that make it possible for you to manipulate files and communication ports at a low level. Low-level file functions should be used carefully, especially when manipulating table files.
Object-Oriented Programming Commands and Functions

Lists the commands and functions that make it possible for you to create and manipulate classes and objects.
Program Execution

Lists the commands and functions that make it possible for you to control how Visual FoxPro programs are executed, suspended, and terminated.
Structured Programming

Lists the commands and functions that make it possible for you to control program execution and branching within a Visual FoxPro program.
Variable Manipulation

Lists the commands and functions for manipulating variables.
System Variables Overview

Lists the built-in variables that Visual FoxPro creates and maintains automatically.

Related Sections

Language Categories

Lists language functionality and descriptions by groups.
Using Visual FoxPro

Discusses how Visual FoxPro programming features are designed to improve developer productivity, including Access and Assign methods, support for more graphic file formats, and language to simplify programming tasks.
Developing Visual FoxPro Applications

Includes conceptual information about how to develop Visual FoxPro applications, instructions for creating databases and the user interface, and other tasks needed to create Visual FoxPro applications.
Programming in Visual FoxPro

Discusses how you can access the full power of Visual FoxPro by creating applications. Understanding object-oriented programming techniques and the event-driven model can maximize your programming productivity.

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