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You can install this version of Visual FoxPro from a CD-ROM or a network to a local hard drive. You must install Visual FoxPro on a local drive, not a mapped drive. There is no other preparation required before installing Visual FoxPro. You must have administrator privileges to install Visual FoxPro. It is recommended that you run with power-user privileges to use all the provided tools effectively.

You can safely install or uninstall using Visual FoxPro Setup. If you are upgrading Visual FoxPro, you must first uninstall the previous version of of the program. Though both versions of Visual FoxPro can exist on the same computer, you cannot install the current version of Visual FoxPro in the same directory as the previous version.

If you plan to publish XML Web services using Visual FoxPro, you might want to set up Internet Information Services (IIS) on a Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 computer. Refer to your operating system documentation for instructions on how to set up and configure IIS.

Visual FoxPro setup no longer installs any Windows operating system Service Packs or versions of Internet Explorer. It is highly recommended that you install the latest versions of these components before installing Visual FoxPro. Additionally, Visual FoxProВ 9.0 is supported only on Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 or later. For details about installing the latest Service Pack, visit the following Microsoft Web page at

Full installation includes all Visual FoxPro program files, online help, and samples files.

To install Visual FoxPro

  1. Quit all open applications.

    If you use a virus protection program on your computer, override it or turn it off before running the Installation wizard. The Installation wizard might not run properly with virus protection turned on. After installation, be sure to restart your virus protection program.

  2. Insert the Visual FoxPro CD.

    The Visual FoxPro Setup start page appears automatically.

  3. Click Install Visual FoxPro to launch Visual FoxPro Setup.

  4. To determine if you need additional components, click Prerequisites to display any necessary components.

  5. Click Install Now! to install any new components. If Visual FoxPro Prerequisites needs to only update components, click Update Now!

  6. You might need to restart your computer. When finished, click Done.

    Visual FoxPro Setup reappears.

  7. To continue installation, click Visual FoxPro.

  8. After accepting the End User License Agreement and entering the Product Key and your name, click Continue.

    Visual FoxPro cannot be installed on a mapped drive. You must install Visual FoxPro on a local drive. Do not attempt to use the Map Network Drive functionality in Setup.

  9. On the Options page, select the features you want to install and click Install Now! to continue.

  10. When finished, click Done to return to Visual FoxPro Setup. Click Exit to return to the Visual FoxPro Setup start page.

If you uninstall Visual FoxPro while the previous version of Visual FoxPro exists on your computer, certain shared registry keys used by the previous version of Visual FoxPro are removed. You must reinstall these critical shared registry keys.

If you run Visual FoxPro from the Start menu, Visual FoxPro Setup automatically reinstalls these keys. If you start Visual FoxPro using other means, such as running the application executable directly, the setup program does not start automatically. You should use Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel and the following steps to reinstall the registry keys manually:

To manually reinstall Visual FoxPro 9.0 registry keys

  1. From the Start menu, click Control Panel.

  2. Click Add/Remove Programs.

  3. Click Change/Remove for Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0.

  4. Click Visual FoxPro and Repair/Reinstall.

See Also

JavaScript Editor js editor     Web development