3.4 Application and Session Events
ASP.NET supports the
Application and Session events familiar
to ASP programmers. An Application_Start event is raised when the
application first starts. This is a good time to initialize resources
that will be used throughout the application, such as database
connection strings (but not the database connection itself). An
Application_End event is raised when the
application ends. This is the time to close resources and do any
other housekeeping that may be necessary. Note that garbage
collection will automatically take care of freeing up memory, but if
you allocated unmanaged resources, such as components created with
languages that are not compliant with the .NET Framework, you must
clean them up yourself.
Likewise there are session events. A session starts when a user first
requests a page from your application and ends when the application
closes the session or the session times out. A
Session_Start event is raised when the
session starts, at which time you can initialize resources that will
be specific to the session, such as opening a database connection.
When the session ends, there will be a
Session_End event.