4.3. Operators
JavaScript has a number of operators that you might or might not be familiar with. These include the ever-present == (equals) and != (not equals), to which you have undoubtedly been exposed; there are a number of others. Although some of these operators are familiar, some others might not be as familiar, so Table 4-4 briefly touches upon these.
Table 4-4. JavaScript OperatorsOperator | Type | Description |
a + b | Arithmetic | Addition | a - b | Arithmetic | Subtraction | a* b | Arithmetic | Multiplication | a / b | Arithmetic | Division | a % b | Arithmetic | Modulus, the remainder to division | ++a | Arithmetic | Increment by one | --a | Arithmetic | Decrement by one | a = b | Assignment | Set equal to | a += b | Assignment | Increment by the value on the right | a -= b | Assignment | Decrement by the value on the right | a *= b | Assignment | Multiply by the value on the right | a /= b | Assignment | Divide by the value on the left | a %= b | Assignment | Modulus by the value on the right | a == b | Comparison | Equal to, value | a === b | Comparison | Equal to, value and type | a != b | Comparison | Not equal to | a > b | Comparison | Greater than | a < b | Comparison | Less than | a >= b | Comparison | Greater than/equal to | a <= b | Comparison | Less than/equal to | a && b | Logical | And | a || b | Logical | Or | !a | Logical | Not | a + b | String | String concatenation | a=(condition)?b:c | Comparison | Comparison operator | typeof(a) | Special | Returns a string consisting of the operand type | void a | Special | Suppresses the return of a variable |
I'll bet you didn't know that typeof was an operator.