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C# language
getter, 145
JSON library, 199, 267, 268
MSSQL database, connecting to using, 271
callback object, 356
callService method, 178
cancelReply method, 340
cascading style sheets. See CSS
CDF (Channel Definition Format), 125
CFJSON library, 199
changeList function, 122
checkComments function, 71–72, 76, 77–78
CheckComments.php file, 68–69, 72
checkIFrame function, 30, 32
checkMail method, 287, 291, 292
childNodes collection, 85, 86, 98, 99
class. See also specific class
Ajax.NET, returning custom class from method in, 383
calling method in another class, 371–372
creating custom class in, 367–370
method in class, excluding, 371
web service, marking as, 171, 172
class.phpmailer.php file, 312
class.smtp.php file, 312
cleanupEmail function, 325, 334
clearAll method, 286–287
clearResults method, 275
clearTimeout function, 230
cloneNode method, 334
close method, 259, 261, 262
code-behind web page authoring, 140
Coggeshall, John ("E-mail validation with PHP 4"), 61
comment notification using communication pattern, 68–72
CompareTo method, 247 file, 284–285, 303, 308, 312
ConfigurationSettings object, 272
config.xml file, 241
confirm function, 338
connect method, 286, 287
contains function, 103 web site, 363
count function, 293
CPAN web site, 199
Create method, 142
function, 82–83
method, 91, 92, 95
createDropDown method, 210, 219
createElement method
autosuggest text box, 210
DOM, 89, 100, 148, 150, 248
iframe object, creating using, 29
input element, creating hidden using, 31
weather widget, 248
web search widget, 258
createIFrame function, 29, 30
createProcessor method, 116
createRequest function, 35, 53
createTextNode method, 100, 151, 334
createTextRange method, 205, 206
createXMLHttp function, 34–35 web site, 195, 199
cross-site scripting (XSS), 184
csc.exe file, 172
CSS (cascading style sheets)
AjaxMail application, 314, 315, 319, 323, 329
autosuggest text box, 201–202, 209, 223
book list, formatting using, 99, 101
comment notifier, formatting using, 70
display property, 74
FooReader.NET, 151
HTML document, loading into, 101
iframe HTML element, using with, 4
link, formatting using, 52, 74
news ticker widget, 235, 236, 237–239
overflow property, 238
role within Ajax, 4
site search widget, 277–279
style property, 177
weather widget, 251, 252
web search widget, 262–264
current class, 50
Customer class
Ajax.NET, 378–380
DWR (Direct Web Remoting), 367–368, 369
JPSpan framework, 351
Customer-AjaxNET.aspx file, 378, 382
CustomerClient-DWR.htm file, 370
CustomerClient-JPSpan.htm file, 358
Customer.cs file, 378 file, 367, 369
CustomerServer-JPSpan.php file, 355

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