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abort method, 53, 66
accessor, 145, 241
ActiveX Data Object (ADO), connecting to database using, 352, 353
ActiveXObject class, 33, 35, 82
Adaptive Path, LLC, 2, 13
add method, 160, 233, 377
AddAddress method, 301, 302
AddCC method, 301, 302
AdditionalLinks.txt file, 74, 75
AddMinutes method, 247
addObject method, 116, 117
addParameter method, 118
address book, preloading, 48
addslashes method, 290
ADO (ActiveX Data Object), connecting to database using, 352, 353
"Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications" (Garrett), 2, 5, 6–7, 13
Ajax.dll file, 374
AjaxMail application
AddAddress method, 301, 302
AddCC method, 301, 302
address information sent to recipient, specifying, 285
AjaxMailAction.php file, 308–309, 329
AjaxMailAttachment class, 304
AjaxMailAttachmentHeader class, 296, 297–298, 300
AjaxMailbox class
addslashes method, 290
checkMail method, 287, 291, 292
clearAll method, 286–287
connect method, 286, 287
declaring, 285
deleteMessage method, 305, 309, 337–338, 345
disconnect method, 286, 287, 289
emptyTrash method, 306, 309, 338
getEmails method, 288
getFolderPage method, 292, 296, 299, 309, 310
getHTMLMessage method, 288
getMessage method, 296, 298, 311, 338–339
getTextMessage method, 288
getUnreadCount method, 294
login method, 287
logoff method, 289
markMessageAsRead method, 307
mysql_error method, 296
mysql_insert_id method, 291
mysql_query method, 290, 295
restoreMessage method, 306, 309, 338, 345
sprintf method, 290, 291
strlen method, 291
AjaxMail.css file, 314 file, 285, 308, 312
AjaxMail.js file, 314
AjaxMailMessage class, 296–297, 299
AjaxMailNavigate.php file, 309–311, 340, 341
AjaxMailSend.php file, 312
appendChild method, 334
AjaxMailAttachment class, 304
AjaxMailAttachment.php file, 312–313
AjaxMailAttachments table, 283, 284, 287, 291, 298
array, 288, 297
existence, determining, 290, 300
getAttachment method, 304, 305, 313
header, 296, 297–298, 300
ID, 284, 313
MIME type, 291
Pop3 Attachment object, 291
rendering, 337
retrieving, 291, 304–305, 313, 319, 320
size, returning, 291
authentication, 285
cancelReply method, 340
class.phpmailer.php file, 312
class.smtp.php file, 312
cleanupEmail function, 325, 334
cloneNode method, 334 file, 284–285, 303, 308, 312
confirm function, 338
count function, 293
createTextNode method, 334
CSS, 314, 315, 319, 323, 329
adding e-mail to, 289–290
AjaxMailAttachments table, 283, 284, 287, 291, 298
AjaxMailFolders table, 283
AjaxMailMessages table, 283, 287, 298
clearing, 286–287
closing connection, 286, 289
opening connection, 284, 286
query string, formatting, 291, 308
role, 282
date formatting, 299
define method, 284
deleting message, 305–306, 309, 334, 337–338, 345
displayCompose method, 342
displayComposeMailForm method, 341, 342
displayFolder method, 340
displaying message, 294, 296–300, 338–339, 340
displayReply method, 342
displayReplyAll method, 342
event handling, 330, 331, 334, 342–343, 345
execute method, 338, 344
fnCallback function, 330
AjaxMailFolders table, 283
counting messages in, 293
ID, 283, 305, 306
page in, accessing, 292, 293, 308, 309, 339
refreshing, 339
rendering, 332–333, 334–335, 340
server, returning folder information from, 338
switching, 343
user interface folder view, 313, 316–318, 326, 332
frame, use of hidden, 309, 316, 323, 329, 331
getAttachment method, 304, 305, 313
getRequestBody function, 325, 331
go method, 340
attachment, 296, 297–298, 300
Content-Type statement, 308
No-Cache statement, 308, 310
HTML message handling, 288, 310–311, 326, 329, 334
htmlEncode function, 326, 334
HTTP request handling, 323, 329–330
attachment, 284, 313
folder, 283, 305, 306
message, 283, 291, 308
Inbox, 282, 343
index.php file, 313–314, 336
initializing, 342, 343, 346
IsError method, 304
iterating through e-mail, 289–290
JSON parser, 282, 308, 310–311, 328
JSONObject object, 292–293, 295
list of retrieved e-mail, generating, 292–296
load method, 343
loadAndRender function, 337, 338, 344
loadInfo method, 328
loadMessage method, 328
mailbox component
info property, 326, 328
instance, 326
loading data, 327–328
message property, 326, 328
nextNotice property, 326
processing property, 326, 328–329
user interface, interaction with, 326
navigate method, 331, 338, 339–340
nextPage method, 339
notification display, 315, 316, 324, 328–332, 344
onreadystatechange event handler, 330, 331
parse method, 328
PHPMailer library, 301–302, 304
preg_match function, 302
preg_split function, 302
prevPage method, 339
reading message, 307, 313, 319–320
readMail function, 345
readMessage method, 340, 345
attachment, 337
message, 332, 335–337, 344
replying to message, 319, 320, 340, 342
request method, 329–330, 337, 338, 343
restoreMail method, 334, 345
retrieving e-mail, 287–292
sendConfirmation method, 344–345
sending e-mail, 301–304, 312, 343, 344
setProcessing method, 328–329, 330
setTimeout function, 329
showNotice method, 329, 330, 344
SMTP, 285, 303, 312
str_replace method, 302
switchFolder method, 343
testing, 346
text message handling, 288, 308, 319
emptying, 306, 309, 314, 338
event handling, 343
introduced, 282
moving message to, 305
restoring message from, 306, 309, 334, 338, 345
updateUnreadCount method, 335
user interface
compose view, 313, 320–322, 340, 341
folder view, 313, 316–318, 326, 332, 341
image, background, 315–316, 323–324
layout, 322–323
mailbox component, interaction with, 326
read view, 313, 319–320, 341
writing message, 313, 320–322, 340, 341
XMLHttp object, use of, 282, 309, 325, 329–330
zXml library, use of, 282, 314
Ajax.NET framework
add method, 377
Ajax.dll file, 374
class, returning custom from method, 383
code, client-side, 381–382
method, making available from, 376–378
Customer class, 378–380
Customer-AjaxNET.aspx file, 378, 382
data type, 382–384
database, working with, 379–380
e-mail address, working with, 378–379, 381–382
error handling, 377, 381
event handling, 380
fetchAddress function, 381
FetchCompletedTransactions function, 385
getAddressFromEmail method, 378, 379, 381
getAddressFromResponse function, 381–382
GetUserFromId method, 384
hashtable, 378, 381
request handling, 375, 377
session state, 384–385
Index class, 376, 377
Index.aspx file, 376
installing, 374–375
IsDBNull method, 380
OleDbCommand object, 379
OleDbDataReader class, 379
Read method, 380
RegisterTypeForAjax method, 378
setTimeout method, 385
showAddress method, 381
StringBuilder class, 378, 379
transaction polling, 385
transactionsCompleteCallback function, 385
web page, creating in Ajax.NET environment, 376–382
web site, 374
web.config file, 375 web site, 47
AjaxSiteSearch class, 274–277, 279, 280
ajaxSiteSearchButton class, 278
ajaxSiteSearchContainer class, 277
ajaxSiteSearchForm class, 278
ajaxSiteSearchTextBox class, 278
AjaxTest application, 374
AjaxWeatherWidget class, 249, 254, 255
ajaxWebSearchBox class, 262
ajaxWebSearchHeading class, 263
ajaxWebSearchLink method, 264
ajaxWebSearchResults class, 263
alert method, 88
AlphaImageLoader DirectX filter, 252 A9 search engine, 10–11
function, 31
method, 89, 90, 248, 334
Apple Developer Connection web site, 13
AppSettings collection, 272
Article.css class, 50
ArticleExample.php file, 48–49
error reporting, 143
FooReader.NET server interaction with ASP.NET page, 140, 141
site search widget, adding to ASP.NET-enabled page, 279
weather widget, adding to ASP.NET-enabled page, 254
web service platform, as, 167, 172
web.config file, 271–272
asyncInvoke method, 180
at sign (@)
FooReader.NET string prefix, 142
XPath attribute prefix, 103
Atom syndication format
aggregator, 129
author element, 132
content element, 133
document structure, 128
Dublin Core extension, 133
entry element, 131, 136
HTML markup, handling, 128
issued element, 133
link element, 132, 135, 141, 146
parsing Atom feed into JavaScript
document root element, returning, 134
element attribute, 130, 131
extension, 133
FooReader.NET, 130–137, 144–147
item, 131–132, 136
type of feed, identifying, 134
version of feed, identifying, 134
XMLHttp request, 133–134
RSS compared, 128, 132, 135
specification, 128
title element, 132
attributes collection, 131
autocomplete functionality using JSON, 200
autosuggest text box application using JSON
AutoSuggestControl class
autosuggest method, 204, 206–207, 213, 216, 221
constructor, 204, 209
createDropDown method, 210, 219
cur property, 215
getLeft method, 212, 213
getTop method, 212
goToSuggestion method, 215, 217
handleKeyDown method, 217, 218
handleKeyUp method, 207, 208–209, 214, 216–217, 219–220
hideSuggestions method, 210, 213, 217
highlightSuggestion method, 210, 212, 216
instantiating, 223
selectRange method, 206
showSuggestions method, 213
timeoutId property, 219
userText property, 215
control architecture, 203
createElement method, 210
createTextRange method, 205, 206
CSS, 201–202, 209, 223
database, 202–203, 222–223
drop-down list, 200–202, 209–213
event handling, 207–209, 211, 216–217, 218
fast-type support, 219–220
init method, 209, 218
keyboard functionality, 200, 207–209, 214, 215–218
layer display, 209–210, 211, 213
moveEnd method, 205
moveStart method, 205
client-side, 223–225
server-side, 222–223
setSelectionRange method, 205, 206
SuggestionProvider class, 204, 220–222
suggestions.php file, 221
typeahead text box, 200, 204–206, 213
autosuggest.css file, 202, 223
autosuggest.js file, 223
Axis project, 167

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