Script Categories

User Details >>> Safe Colors.

If you are involved with graphics creation or website design, it's important to understand how colors are seen on different browsers and different platforms. This script will show you all the "safe" colors, the ones that show up the same for all browsers and platforms. So, when you design a site or create an image, be sure to use the "browser-safe" colors!

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript">
<!--  Begin
function makeArray(q){
for(i=1 ; i <= q ; i++){this[i]=0}}
Colors = new makeArray(7);
Colors[1] = "00";
Colors[2] = "33";
Colors[3] = "66";
Colors[4] = "99";
Colors[5] = "CC";
Colors[6] = "FF";
// End -->
<table cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">      
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
for(i=1 ; i <= 6 ; i++){
for(j=1 ; j <= 6 ; j++){
for(k=1 ; k <= 6 ; k++){
var thiscolor = Colors[i] + Colors[j] + Colors[k];
document.writeln("<tr><td height = 20 bgcolor = \"#" + thiscolor + "\" align = right><a href = ");
document.writeln("\'\' onMouseOver = \"document.bgColor = \'" + thiscolor + "\'\">" + thiscolor + "</a></td></tr>");

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