This neat little JavaScript will flip through all the different sites that you include, along with a description of that site. When the visitor clicks the button, they are taken to that site!
Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:
<scriptlanguage="javascript"type="text/javascript"> /* Visit
for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin function
makeArray(q){ for(i=1;
i <
q ;
i++){this[i]=0}} w=1; howmanysites=4; Sites =new
makeArray(howmanysites); Sites[1]=
" Editor|Get the best
JavaScript Editor!"; Sites[2]="
JavaScript Programs|Click to get many JavaScript programs!"; Sites[3]=
"!|Click for fastest Search Engine!"; Sites[4]=
"!|Click for the greatest Search Engine!";
showSites(){ if(w
w=1;}; var
string=Sites[w]+""; var
split1=string.indexOf("~"); var
split2=string.indexOf("|"); var
url=string.substring(0,split1); varname=string.substring(split1
+1,split2); var
+1,string.length); document.form.url.value=url;; document.form.word.value=word; w+=1; window.setTimeout('showSites()',3000);
} function
visitSite(){ window.location=document.form.url.value;
} // End --> </script> <formname=form> <table><tr><tdalign=centernowrap> <inputtype=buttonname=namevalue="Visit
these sites!"onClick="visitSite()"size=25>
type=textname=wordvalue=""size=40> </td></tr></table> </form> <script> showSites(); </script>