We've captured the spy Mustafa from the Austin Powers movie. Mustafa will refuse to answer any question you ask. Except, he hates hearing the same question three times in a row. Ask him a question three times in a row and he will answer you.
Ask Mustafa
Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:
<scriptlanguage="javascript"type="text/javascript"> /* Visit http://www.yaldex.com/
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<!-- Begin var
refusalarray =newArray( "I'll Never Tell You!", "I spit at the question! Pptt!", "Go To Hell, Powers!", "I will take it to the grave with
me!", "Kiss my ass!", "You can torture me if you like,
I will never tell!", "I will never tell you!", "I cannot tell you!", "My lips are sealed shut, you
can't open them!" );// No comma after last item on
line above!
answerarray =newArray( "Damn, three times. Yes! That's
the answer!", "No way. There's your answer,
you happy now?", "Maybe. Are you satisfied?", "Yes, yes, of course!", "Without a doubt!", "Yeah, I think so.", "Probably, why do you care
though?" );// No comma after last item on
line above! var
tries =0;