Calculators >>>
Enter a parabolic equation, like 5x^2 + 18x + 27 and this Parabola calculator will determine all the vital information about the graph. And, a rough graph of the curve is available.
Step 1: Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:
language= "javascript"
type= "text/javascript" >
a ,
b ,
c ;
xtop ( form )
form . u . value
( form . b . value
- 1 )
( form . a . value
2 );
ytop ( form )
form . u2 . value
- 1
( form . b . value
form . b . value )
( 4
form . a . value )
(- 1
form . c . value );
doCoord ( form )
form . co . value
form . u . value
form . u2 . value ;
disc ( form )
form . o . value
( form . b . value
form . b . value )
( form . a . value
form . c . value
4 );
zeroes1 ( form )
form . n . value
(( form . b . value
- 1 )
( Math . sqrt ( form . o . value )))
( form . a . value
2 );
zeroes2 ( form )
form . n2 . value
(( form . b . value
- 1 )
(- 1
Math . sqrt ( form . o . value )))
( form . a . value
2 );
move_in ( img_name , img_src )
document [ img_name ]. src = img_src ;
bgcolor= "#C0C0C0"
cellspacing= 2
cellpadding= 2
border= 3 >
< b >
< h3 > Parabolic
Calculator < /h3 >
name= "a"
size= "3" > X < sup > 2 < /sup > +
name= "b"
size= "3" > X
name= "c"
size= "3" >
< br >
type= "button"
value= "x-top"
name= "x-top"
onclick = "xtop(this.form)" >
type= "button"
value= "y-top"
name= "y-top"
onclick = "ytop(this.form)" >
type= "button"
value= "crd"
name= "crd"
onclick = "doCoord(this.form)" >
type= "button"
value= "disc."
name= "D"
onclick = "disc(this.form)" >
< br >
type= "button"
value= "0-points"
name= "zeroes"
onclick = "zeroes1(this.form);zeroes2(this.form)" >
type= "button"
onclick = "xtop(this.form);ytop(this.form);doCoord(this.form);disc(this.form);zeroes1(this.form);zeroes2(this.form)"
value= "do
all" >
type= "button"
name= "pics"
value= "show
onClick = "if(form.a.value>0
&& form.o.value>0)move_in('p','p2.gif');if (form.a.value<0 &&
form.o.value>0)move_in('p','p3.gif'); if(form.a.value>0 &&
form.o.value==0) move_in('p','p4.gif'); if(form.a.value<0 &&
form.o.value==0) move_in('p','p5.gif'); if(form.a.value>0 &&
form.o.value<0) move_in('p','p6.gif'); if(form.a.value<0 &&
form.o.value<0) move_in('p','p7.gif')"
value= "show
e.g." >
< br >
type= "text"
name= "u"
size= "8" >
x-top < br >
type= "text"
name= "u2"
size= "8" >
y-top < br >
type= "text"
size= "8"
name= "co"
onmouseover = "form.rem.value=form.co.value" >
Coord. < br >
type= "text"
size= "8"
name= "o" >
Discriminant < br >
type= "text"
size= "8"
name= "n" >
neg zero pt. < br >
type= "text"
size= "8"
name= "n2" >
pos zero pt.
type= "hidden"
value= ""
name= "rem" > < br >
type= "reset"
value= "reset" > < br >
< /b >
<td> <img
src= "p1.gif"
width= 200
name= "p"
height= 200
border= 0
alt= "" > </td>
Step 2: The script uses 7 images as part of its interface. You can create your own, or use the 7 below (resized for easier download):
(right click images, and select "Save Image As")
Upload them into the same directory as your webpage.