Script Categories

Calculators >>> Body Mass Index.

Just enter your height and your weight, and JavaScript can use a formula created by the Panel on Energy, Obesity, and Body Weight Standards to figure out your Body Mass Index. This index classifies you into one of several categories, from underweight to desirable to obese.

Weight: lbs.
Height: Ft. In.

Body Mass Index
According to the Panel on Energy, Obesity, and Body Weight Standards published by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, your category is:

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
function mod(div,base) {
return Math.round(div - (Math.floor(div/base)*base));
function calcBmi() {
var w = document.bmi.weight.value * 1;
var HeightFeetInt = document.bmi.htf.value * 1;
var HeightInchesInt = document.bmi.hti.value * 1;
HeightFeetConvert = HeightFeetInt * 12;
h = HeightFeetConvert + HeightInchesInt;
displaybmi = (Math.round((w * 703) / (h * h)));
var rvalue = true;
if ( (w <= 35) || (w >= 500)  || (h <= 48) || (h >= 120) ) {
alert ("Invalid data.  Please check and re-enter!");
rvalue = false;
if (rvalue) {
if (HeightInchesInt > 11) {
reminderinches = mod(HeightInchesInt,12);
document.bmi.hti.value = reminderinches;
document.bmi.htf.value = HeightFeetInt +
((HeightInchesInt - reminderinches)/12);
document.bmi.answer.value = displaybmi;
if (displaybmi <19)
document.bmi.comment.value = "Underweight";
if (displaybmi >=19 && displaybmi <=25)
document.bmi.comment.value = "Desirable";
if (displaybmi >=26 && displaybmi <=29)
document.bmi.comment.value = "prone to health risks";
if (displaybmi >=30 && displaybmi <=40)
document.bmi.comment.value = "Obese";
if (displaybmi >40)
document.bmi.comment.value = "Extremely obese";
document.bmi.answer.value = displaybmi; }
return rvalue;
//  End -->
<form name=bmi>
<table width=200 border=0>
<input type=text name=weight SIZE=3 maxlength=3> lbs.</td>
<input type=text name=htf size=1 maxlength=1> Ft.        
<input type=text name=hti size=2 maxlength=2> In.
<input type=button value="Calculate BMI" onclick="calcBmi()">

<B>Body Mass Index</B>
<input type=text name=answer size=3>
According to the Panel on Energy, Obesity, and
Body Weight Standards published by American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, your category is:
<input type=text name=comment size=25>

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