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IP Monitor

A network/desktop utility to monitor changes in an IP address .

File Size: 0.89 MB License: Free to try OS: Win95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP Requirements: 32M RAM 20M free HD space

IP Monitor is network utility for Windows which displays the current IP address of a computer in a window. IP Monitor is also able to notify via FTP or email if a computer's IP address changes.

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Key Features:

  • Shows your current local IP address
    Useful for network administrators to see what IP address a computer has assigned to it. It is also useful for dial-up users who are issued a different IP address each time they connect.
  • Shows your current public IP address - NEW!
    New in version 1.5, IP Monitor can now display your external IP address. This can be different than the local/internal address if you are running on a network that has a router or firewall in place to access the Internet.
  • What is an IP address?
    In a TCP/IP network, each network node/computer has its own unique address by which it communicates with other computers on a network. This address is known as an IP address.
  • Detects changes in your IP address(es)
    IP Monitor tracks IP address changes on a computer. Some DSL or network providers assign dynamic IP addresses that change over time. This is to prevent you from hosting a server on a computer through a service that is not designed for this. However, there are times that a user needs to know if their computer's IP address has changed so they can take any necessary action to restart programs, file transfers or remote processes.
  • Notification of changed IP address
    Not only can IP Monitor detect a change in an IP address, but it can also notify you via FTP or email if this occurs. This is helpful if you are trying to access a remote computer whose IP address has changed. Configure IP Monitor to notify you and you will be able to continue to access the remote computer.
  • Send Notification of IP address(es) at startup
    IP Monitor can run with a command-line parameter to send notification when your system starts, and then exit. This makes any system start-up or restart notify your designated email addresses or FTP server about ADSL or cable-modem connections when your computer starts. You may even use this utility behind a firewall as it supports passive FTP mode.
  • Easy to Use
    Simply download, install and run. You will be presented with a window (see screen shots) showing the current computer name and IP address of the machine.

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